Submissions and contact
How to submit
NHP – for poets over 25:
Please e-mail six poems from your collection to Jan Woodward at novelhovelpress@yahoo.com These should be in PDF format in the first instance with your collection name and your own name as the title of attachment. Tell us about your collection within the body of the main e-mail, for example, is it themed or not and if so what is the collection about. We would love to know a little about you but this is not essential initially. If you feel comfortable tell us about yourself, if not, it can wait. Don’t forget to include your contact details in the body of the e-mail.
Please submit as you would like your work to appear. Check spellings and punctuation. We ask this because poets may want lines to appear in odd places or with no punctuation at all or where they want specific emphasis. We will work with you from this point with editorial advice but this initial submission will be taken as a ʻpress-readyʼ draft.
Please ensure that all work is entirely your own and that any permissions have been sought for any quotes or other where permissions are needed.
First Sight – for poets 18-25
Please e-mail your work as a PDF attachment in the first instance to James Sebastian at novelhovelpoetrypress@gmail.com. Head the attached document with the title of your collection and your own name. This can be between 20 -30 pages of work and made up of poems, artworks, song lyrics, flash fiction or just poems alone. The only stipulation is that at least half of the content must be poetry. We would love to hear a little about yourself and your work but this is not initially essential. It is your work that matters to us. Don’t forget to include your contact details within the body of the e-mail.
Please ensure that all work is entirely your own and that any permissions have been sought for any quotes or other where permissions are needed.
All work to be sent to us via e-mail. Any work sent by land mail will not be opened. We hope to encourage less paper waste. We regret we cannot answer or give editorial advice to your submissions. The chosen poets will be notified by e-mail.
Submissions Window – Our submissions window is now CLOSED.
How publishing works with us
NHP aim to keep things fair and simple. As a small independent fledging press we feel the clearest way to pay our authors is the best. We have an initial print run of 500 for each book. We donʼt pay royalties but instead give the author 100 free copies to do with as they wish. Should the book go into a second print run of 500 then the author will receive the same free 100 books again. (deliveries only within the UK) .
We do not have contracts. The author retains all rights but we ask that copies are not published/printed elsewhere and that no single poems are used from the collection elsewhere until the first print run has sold out.
Your book will be for sale on the NHP website with an editorial analysis. It will also be promoted via our Facebook site and Twitter. Post-pandemic we will resume book launches, but until that time all promotion will take place on- line and in print. We would also advise authors to try and promote their own work post-pandemic by giving book readings at various venues where they can to sell their own copies. We will work with you as a team. We hope to hold regular live readings again in the future at a date to be reviewed and up-dated on this site.
NHP reserves the right not to publish collections in any one year if entries donʼt fit with our ethos.
Contact: 9a London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1AH. e- mail: novelhovelpress@yahoo.com
Find us on FB at: TheNovelHovelBookshopandPoetryPress and Twitter @novelhovelpress